
There are numerous safety benefits of chocking aircrafts with Aerochock - read more in the Aerochock™ brochure. Discover why Aerochock lightweight aviation wheel chocks are a vital piece of ground handling equipment - compared to traditional wooden and rubber aircraft chocks. 

Aircraft wheel chocks with tracking | light weight | Aerochock™

40% lighter than comparable chocks

Aviation wheel chocks | globally trusted | aircraft chocks at Heathrow airport

Secures aircraft with superior design

Aircraft wheel chocks for aviation industry | Aerochock™

Reduce injuries for ground handing staff

Heathrow lightweight aircraft chocks | aviation | Aerochock™

Trusted and tested across the globe

Menzies aircraft wheel chocks | aviation | Aerochock™

Resistant to fuels, oils & chemicals

FOD free

Lightest aircraft chocks for ground handlers | Aerochock™

UV protected